Moving to New Brunswick

Hey All!
Life has changed a bit and we will be moving the the East Coast to live in New Brunswick. The shop will be closed for checkout from May 8th until at least June 20th (it will depend how long things take to get setup). During that time you will be able to see the shop and items but you will not be able to checkout, this is the best way to do things so I can re-open without a backlog of orders.

All current outstanding orders will be shipped no later than May 30th, but I plan to work through the week to get things shipped quicker than that.

Once I re-open things will be done a little differently and order turn around times will be much quicker, as I know it is difficult to have to wait and I do not like having long turn around times.
Be ready for new products, prints an fabrics once I re-open. Thank you to everyone for all the support these years, I can't wait to grow things even bigger.
